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Speaking and Listening - Stating Your Case and Linking Ideas Together

Speaking and Listening - Stating Your Case and Linking Ideas Together

This lesson serves as an engaging and confidence-building introduction to any speaking and listening unit. Students learn to use facts and opinions to state their case about a number of interesting and topical issues, whilst also building towards using a range of connectives to link their ideas together. The lesson also links strongly to PSHE and Citizenship, as students discuss a range of moral and ethical issues, whilst simultaneously building their skills of communication. Included in the lesson are: a visually stimulating, step-by-step PowerPoint presentation, a student guidance sheet to scaffold and shape student responses, and teacher guidance to aid practitioner implementation.
The Holocaust: The Historical Context

The Holocaust: The Historical Context

This lesson aims to help students understand the historical context of The Holocaust. It is designed to be the first in a series of lessons based upon Holocaust-themed texts, but also makes a fitting introduction to teaching texts such as The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas, Anne Frank's Diary, or simply to be used in a PSHE/form-time lesson to build awareness. Informative and engaging, this lesson follows a clear and logical learning journey. Students learn to: - Define key terms related to the historical context of The Holocaust; - Remember and understand key information about the Holocaust that they learn from an engaging PowerPoint presentation; - Consider the SMSC questions that arise from such a horrific case of genocide; - Create a newspaper article that utilises the features of writing to inform, and shares key facts about the Holocaust; - Peer-assess each others' learning attempts. Included in this resource pack: A comprehensive, whole-lesson, visually engaging PowerPoint presentation, which guides the teacher and learners through the lesson, a writing to inform help-sheet, a tabloid newspaper template, ' a key terms activity, and teacher guidance notes. All images are cited at the end of the PowerPoint presentation, and are licensed for commercial use.
PSHE: Valuing Difference - Year 5 Knowledge Organiser!

PSHE: Valuing Difference - Year 5 Knowledge Organiser!

This clear, detailed and visually-appealing resource offers a complete reference point for covering ‘Valuing Difference’ at Year 5 in PSHE. The organiser is clear, logical and fully meets all requirements for the PSHE curriculum, including the DfE’s new Relationships Education and Health Education statutory guidance It includes sections on: -Overview and Recap of Prior Learning; -Relationships with Others - Qualities of Friendship; -Similarities and Differences - Media Representations, Stereotypes; -Our Behaviour - Listening, Dealing with Embarrassment; -Key Vocabulary. The resource is designed to be printed onto A3, and is provided as both a PDF and a Word version (so that you can edit if you want to). All images used are licensed for commercial use and are cited on a separate document (included).
PSHE: Valuing Difference - Year 6 Knowledge Organiser!

PSHE: Valuing Difference - Year 6 Knowledge Organiser!

This clear, detailed and visually-appealing resource offers a complete reference point for covering ‘Valuing Difference’ at Year 6 in PSHE. The organiser is clear, logical and fully meets all requirements for the PSHE curriculum, including the DfE’s new Relationships Education and Health Education statutory guidance It includes sections on: -Overview and Recap of Prior Learning; -Relationships with Others - Qualities of Friendship, Gender; -Similarities and Differences - Gender Stereotypes, Prejudice; -Our Behaviour - Mutual Respect, Tolerance; -Key Vocabulary. The resource is designed to be printed onto A3, and is provided as both a PDF and a Word version (so that you can edit if you want to). All images used are licensed for commercial use and are cited on a separate document (included).
PSHE: Being My Best - Year 5 Knowledge Organiser!

PSHE: Being My Best - Year 5 Knowledge Organiser!

This clear, detailed and visually-appealing resource offers a complete reference point for covering ‘Being My Best’ at Year 5 in PSHE. The organiser is clear, logical and fully meets all requirements for the PSHE curriculum, including the DfE’s new Relationships Education and Health Education statutory guidance It includes sections on: -Overview and Recap of Prior Learning; -Developing Myself - Star Qualities, Community; -Being Healthy and Safe - Getting Fit, Our Amazing Bodies, Basic First Aid; -Being Healthy and Safe - Independence and Responsibility, Different Skills; -Key Vocabulary. The resource is designed to be printed onto A3, and is provided as both a PDF and a Word version (so that you can edit if you want to). All images used are licensed for commercial use and are cited on a separate document (included).
PSHE: Growing and Changing - Year 6 Knowledge Organiser!

PSHE: Growing and Changing - Year 6 Knowledge Organiser!

This clear, detailed and visually-appealing resource offers a complete reference point for covering ‘Growing and Changing’ at Year 6 in PSHE. The organiser is clear, logical and fully meets all requirements for the PSHE curriculum, including the DfE’s new Relationships Education and Health Education statutory guidance It includes sections on: -Overview and Recap of Prior Learning; -Healthy Relationships - Media Representations, Managing Change; -Knowing Our Bodies - Is this Normal? HIV; -RSE Content - Conception; -Key Vocabulary. The resource is designed to be printed onto A3, and is provided as both a PDF and a Word version (so that you can edit if you want to). All images used are licensed for commercial use and are cited on a separate document (included).
PSHE: Being My Best - Year 6 Knowledge Organiser!

PSHE: Being My Best - Year 6 Knowledge Organiser!

This clear, detailed and visually-appealing resource offers a complete reference point for covering ‘Being My Best’ at Year 6 in PSHE. The organiser is clear, logical and fully meets all requirements for the PSHE curriculum, including the DfE’s new Relationships Education and Health Education statutory guidance It includes sections on: -Overview and Recap of Prior Learning; -Developing Myself - Star Qualities, Aspirations; -Being Healthy and Safe - Improving and Maintaining Fitness, Five Ways to Wellbeing, Basic First Aid; -Being Healthy and Safe - Managing Risks; -Key Vocabulary. The resource is designed to be printed onto A3, and is provided as both a PDF and a Word version (so that you can edit if you want to). All images used are licensed for commercial use and are cited on a separate document (included).
PSHE: Growing and Changing - Year 5 Knowledge Organiser!

PSHE: Growing and Changing - Year 5 Knowledge Organiser!

This clear, detailed and visually-appealing resource offers a complete reference point for covering ‘Growing and Changing’ at Year 5 in PSHE. The organiser is clear, logical and fully meets all requirements for the PSHE curriculum, including the DfE’s new Relationships Education and Health Education statutory guidance It includes sections on: -Overview and Recap of Prior Learning; -Healthy Relationships - Stereotypes, Embarrassment; -Knowing Our Bodies - Changing Body Parts, Puberty and Feelings; -RSE Content - Secrets and Surprises, Conflict; -Key Vocabulary. The resource is designed to be printed onto A3, and is provided as both a PDF and a Word version (so that you can edit if you want to). All images used are licensed for commercial use and are cited on a separate document (included).
PSHE: Keeping Myself Safe - Year 5 Knowledge Organiser!

PSHE: Keeping Myself Safe - Year 5 Knowledge Organiser!

This clear, detailed and visually-appealing resource offers a complete reference point for covering ‘Keeping Myself Safe’ at Year 5 in PSHE. The organiser is clear, logical and fully meets all requirements for the PSHE curriculum, including the DfE’s new Relationships Education and Health Education statutory guidance It includes sections on: -Overview and Recap of Prior Learning; -Health - Habits and Addictions, Cigarettes and Drugs Facts; -Wellbeing - Managing Dilemmas, Spotting Bullying; -Relationships and Staying Safe Online: Being Assertive and Playing Online; -Key Vocabulary. The resource is designed to be printed onto A3, and is provided as both a PDF and a Word version (so that you can edit if you want to). All images used are licensed for commercial use and are cited on a separate document (included).
PSHE: Me and My Relationships - Year 5 Knowledge Organiser!

PSHE: Me and My Relationships - Year 5 Knowledge Organiser!

This clear, detailed and visually-appealing resource offers a complete reference point for children, teachers and parents learning about ‘Me and My Relationships’ at Year 5 in PSHE. The organiser is clear, logical and fully meets the DfE’s new Relationships Education and Health Education statutory guidance It includes sections on: -Overview and Recap of Prior Learning; -Healthy Relationships - Give and Take, Collaboration, Relationships, Unhealthy Relationships; -Feelings and Emotions -Our Emotional Needs, Communication; -Being Kind - Qualities of Friendship, Sensitivity and Empathy. -Key Vocabulary. The resource is designed to be printed onto A3, and is provided as both a PDF and a Word version (so that you can edit if you want to). All images used are licensed for commercial use and are cited on a separate document (included).
PSHE: Keeping Myself Safe - Year 6 Knowledge Organiser!

PSHE: Keeping Myself Safe - Year 6 Knowledge Organiser!

This clear, detailed and visually-appealing resource offers a complete reference point for covering ‘Keeping Myself Safe’ at Year 6 in PSHE. The organiser is clear, logical and fully meets all requirements for the PSHE curriculum, including the DfE’s new Relationships Education and Health Education statutory guidance It includes sections on: -Overview and Recap of Prior Learning; -Health - Habits and Addictions, Alcohol and Drugs Facts; -Wellbeing - Emotional Needs, Independence and Responsibility; -Staying Safe Online: Think Before You Click and the Traffic Lights System; -Key Vocabulary. The resource is designed to be printed onto A3, and is provided as both a PDF and a Word version (so that you can edit if you want to). All images used are licensed for commercial use and are cited on a separate document (included).
PSHE: Rights and Responsibilities - Year 5 Knowledge Organiser!

PSHE: Rights and Responsibilities - Year 5 Knowledge Organiser!

This clear, detailed and visually-appealing resource offers a complete reference point for covering ‘Rights and Responsibilities’ at Year 5 in PSHE. The organiser is clear, logical and fully meets all requirements for the PSHE curriculum, including the DfE’s new Relationships Education and Health Education statutory guidance It includes sections on: -Overview and Recap of Prior Learning; -Staying Healthy and Safe -Making A Difference, Local Councils and Public Services; -People and Environments - Rights, Responsibilities and Duties and Facts, Opinions and Bias; -Money - Spending Money Wisely and Lending Money; -Key Vocabulary. The resource is designed to be printed onto A3, and is provided as both a PDF and a Word version (so that you can edit if you want to). All images used are licensed for commercial use and are cited on a separate document (included).
PSHE: Rights and Responsibilities - Year 6 Knowledge Organiser!

PSHE: Rights and Responsibilities - Year 6 Knowledge Organiser!

This clear, detailed and visually-appealing resource offers a complete reference point for covering ‘Rights and Responsibilities’ at Year 6 in PSHE. The organiser is clear, logical and fully meets all requirements for the PSHE curriculum, including the DfE’s new Relationships Education and Health Education statutory guidance It includes sections on: -Overview and Recap of Prior Learning; -Staying Healthy and Safe - ‘Democracy’ and ‘Social Media;’ -People and Environments - ‘Creating Laws’ and ‘Two Sides to Every Story;’ -Money - ‘Jobs’ and ‘Taxes;’ -Key Vocabulary. The resource is designed to be printed onto A3, and is provided as both a PDF and a Word version (so that you can edit if you want to). All images used are licensed for commercial use and are cited on a separate document (included).
Honesty Collective Worship!

Honesty Collective Worship!

This fun, thoughtful and original collective worship session aims to assist children in understanding the value of honesty, through: Understanding what honesty is, and recognising why it is important; Looking at examples of behaviour that is honest or dishonest, and noting the effect that it has on different people; Understanding what Christianity teaches us about honesty and the value of being honest (using the story of Adam and Eve); Learning strategies to demonstrate honesty in their own lives. This session is tried and tested, and has always been really well received in the past. The slides are visually engaging and well-presented, and the subject matter is tailored to the interests and needs of young people. For example, there are references to scenarios and dilemmas that they themselves might find themselves in (for example how they might react in different situations in which their honesty is tested), in order to help them to make the right choices in their own lives. The session also includes a fun role-play task, a beautiful, thought-provoking video about the importance of honesty, and top tips for being honest information slide. No further resources are required, everything that you need to present the session is included. The slides are fairly self-explanatory, but I’ve included two pages of notes to assist the speaker. Hope that you find this useful!
Humility - Collective Worship!

Humility - Collective Worship!

This fun and original collective worship session aims to assist children in understanding what humility is, and the value of remaining humble. In a Christian context, children understand that it is God’s wish for all people to remain humble, and to not fall into the pitfalls that arrogance, pride, and vanity can bring. Short, child-friendly Bible stories (‘King Nebuchadnezzar’ and ‘Solomon’) also help them to understand the key message. This session is tried and tested, and has always been really well received in the past. The slides are visually engaging and well-presented, and the subject matter is tailored to the interests and needs of young people. For example, there are references to scenarios and dilemmas that they themselves might find themselves in (for example winning at a sports match, or being very skilled at something), in order to help them to make the right choices in their own lives. The session also includes a fun role-play task, a beautiful, thought-provoking video about the importance of humility, and a top ten tips for remaining humble information slide. All other resources that you will need (for example the story readings) are provided in the pack. The slides are fairly self-explanatory, but I’ve included two pages of notes to assist the speaker. Hope that you find this useful!
Celebrating Differences Assembly!

Celebrating Differences Assembly!

This fun and original assembly aims to assist children in celebrating the differences between themselves and others, through: -Understanding how diversity is needed in the world; -Recognising and valuing the differences in their own school; -Considering how kind words can help us to unite together. I love leading this assembly, because I feel that the key message within it is so vital, especially in the present climate. More importantly, wherever I have presented this (to a wide-range of students from a wide-range of contexts) it has always gone down extremely well, with students being extremely engaged and informing me of the different ways in which they have celebrated differences in the months that follow! The slides are visually engaging and well-presented, and the subject matter is tailored to the interests and needs of young people. For example, there are references to Prince Harry, Emma Watson, and others in popular culture, to help engage the children in the idea that each individual has their own strengths, weaknesses, like and dislikes, no matter who they are or how successful they appear. There is also an exciting ‘toothpaste challenge’ included, which demonstrates the importance of ensuring that our words to others are kind and respectful. The challenge includes a hyperlink to a countdown clock. In addition to this, all other resources that you will need are provided in the pack. The slides are fairly self-explanatory, but I’ve included guidance notes to assist the speaker. Hope that you find this useful!
Humility Assembly!

Humility Assembly!

This fun and original assembly aims to assist children in understanding the value of remaining humble, through: Understanding what humility is, and recognising why it is important; Looking at examples of behaviour that is proud/arrogant or humble, and noting the effect that it has; Learning strategies to demonstrate humility in their own lives. This assembly is tried and tested, and has always been really well received in the past. The slides are visually engaging and well-presented, and the subject matter is tailored to the interests and needs of young people. For example, there are references to scenarios and dilemmas that they themselves might find themselves in (for example how to show humility after winning at a sports match, or when they are becoming very skilled at something), in order to help them to make the right choices in their own lives. The session also includes a fun role-play task, a beautiful, thought-provoking video about the importance of humility, and a top ten tips for remaining humble information slide. All other resources that you will need (for example the story readings) are provided in the pack. The slides are fairly self-explanatory, but I’ve included guidance notes to assist the speaker. Hope that you find this useful!
Honesty Assembly!

Honesty Assembly!

This fun and original assembly aims to assist children in understanding the value of honesty, through: Understanding what honesty is, and recognising why it is important; Looking at examples of behaviour that is honest or dishonest, and noting the effect that it has on different people; Learning strategies to demonstrate honesty in their own lives. This assembly is tried and tested, and has always been really well received in the past. The slides are visually engaging and well-presented, and the subject matter is tailored to the interests and needs of young people. For example, there are references to scenarios and dilemmas that they themselves might find themselves in (for example how they might react in different situations in which their honesty is tested), in order to help them to make the right choices in their own lives. The session also includes a fun role-play task, a beautiful, thought-provoking video about the importance of honesty, and top tips for being honest information slide. No further resources are required, everything that you need to present the assembly is included. The slides are fairly self-explanatory, but I’ve included guidance notes to assist the speaker. Hope that you find this useful!
PSHE: Me and My Relationships - Year 6 Knowledge Organiser!

PSHE: Me and My Relationships - Year 6 Knowledge Organiser!

This clear, detailed and visually-appealing resource offers a complete reference point for children, teachers and parents learning about ‘Me and My Relationships’ at Year 6 in PSHE. The organiser is clear, logical and fully meets the DfE’s new Relationships Education and Health Education statutory guidance It includes sections on: -Overview and Recap of Prior Learning; -Healthy Relationships - Negotiation and Comprimise, Long-Term Relationships, Forced Marriages, Unhealthy Relationships; -Feelings and Emotions -Our Emotional Needs, Being Assertive; -Being Kind - Treating Others with Respect, Sensitivity and Empathy, Appropriate, Inappropriate or Illegal. -Key Vocabulary. The resource is designed to be printed onto A3, and is provided as both a PDF and a Word version (so that you can edit if you want to). All images used are licensed for commercial use and are cited on a separate document (included).
Creativity - Collective Worship Session!

Creativity - Collective Worship Session!

This fun and original collective worship session assists children in understanding the value of being creative in all of their endeavours, through: Understanding what creativity is, and recognising why it is such an important skill; Recognising God’s creativity and understanding how creativity is a trait within everyone (including themselves); Observing some amazing examples of the successes that creativity can catalyse; Learning strategies to demonstrate creativity in their own lives. This worship session is tried and tested, and has always been really well received in the past. The slides are visually engaging and well-presented, and the subject matter is tailored to the interests and needs of young people. The session also includes a short video and discussion focusing on the Genesis section of the bible detailing God’s creation of the world and its creatures. The session also includes a fun interactive activity, a wonderful, thought-provoking video about the importance of creation, and various discussion activities regarding how to show creation in different areas of their own lives. The slides are fairly self-explanatory, but I’ve included two pages of notes to assist the speaker. Hope that you find this useful!